K-medoids method needs to compare the distance between two points in the data set, so time complexity is so enormous. To avoid the time complexity issue, we can use PAM algorithm.
PAM: Partition Around Medoids.
[ Notation ]
O: The set of whole objects.
S : The set of selected objects.
U : The set of unselected objects
Dp​: The dissimilarity between pand the closest object in S
Ep​: The dissimilarity between pand the second closet object in S
U = O - S
[ Process ]
[Initialization] Put the point for which the sum of the distances to all other objects is minimal into set S
Fori∈U, consider it as a candidate for S
For j∈U−{i}, compute Dj​
If Dj​>d(i,j)select object i, let Cji​=max{Dj​−d(j,i),0}
Compute the total gain. gi​=∑j∈U​Cj​
Choose that object ithat maximizes gi​
Let S:=S∪{i}and U=U−{i}
Repeat 1-7 until kobjects have been selected.
def dist_others(i,j,target=['idx','dist','second_min']):
# The input data i,j must be 2 dimension arrays
i = np.array(i); j = np.array(j)
if i.shape == (len(i),): # If it is 1 dimension
i = np.expand_dims(i, axis=0)
if j.shape == (len(j),): # If it is 1 dimension
j = np.expand_dims(j, axis=0)
if (len(i)>1)&(len(j)>1): # Multi to Multi
ls = []; sum1=0
for i_idx, elem1 in enumerate(i):
for elem2 in j:
diff = (elem1-elem2)**2
sum1 += sum(diff)
ls = np.array(ls)
dist = np.min(ls, axis=0)[1]
idx = np.argmin(ls, axis=0)[0]
trg = {target=='idx':idx, target=='dist':dist}.get(True)
elif (len(i)==1)&(len(j)>1): # One to Multi
diff = i-j
sum1 = np.sum(diff**2, axis=1)
idx = np.argmin(sum1); dist = np.min(sum1)
try: second_min = sorted(set(sum1))[1]
except : second_min = np.min(sum1)
trg = {target=='idx':idx, target=='dist':dist, target=='second_min':second_min}.get(True)
elif (len(i)==1)&(len(j)==1): # One to One
diff = i-j
sum0 = np.sum(diff**2)
dist = np.min(sum0)
trg = {target=='idx':'No index in one to one case', target=='dist':dist}.get(True)
# step2
def build(obj, sel):
gi = 0; sel_i = 0; gi_sum=0; n = len(obj)
for i in range(n):
gpre = gi
for j in range(n):
if j==i:
gi = 0
Dj = dist_others(obj[j],sel,'dist')
dji = dist_others(obj[j],obj[i],'dist')
Cji = max(Dj-dji,0)
gi += Cji
gi_sum += gi
if (gpre<gi):
sel_i = i
obj = np.delete(obj, sel_i, axis=0)
if (gi_sum==0): return('Stop')
else: return(sel_i)
This phase is the step switching the element in S to one in U(The other way around also). It improves the quality of the clustering.
Considers all pairs (i,h)∈S×U
If d(j,i)>Dj​
if d(j,h)≥Dj​, then Kjih​=0
if d(j,h)<Dj​, then Kjih​=d(j,h)−Dj​
In both subcases, Kjih​=min{d(j,h)−Dj​,0}
If d(j,i)=Dj​
if d(j,h)<Ej​, then Kjih​=d(j,h)−Dj​(K can be negative)
if d(j,h)≥Ej​, then Kjih​=Ej​−Dj​ ( K>0)
In both subcases, Kjih​=min{d(j,h),Ej​}−Dj​
Compute the total result of swap as Tih​=∑{Kijh​∣j∈U}
Select a pair (i,h)∈S×Uthat minimizes Tih​
If Tih​<0, the swap is carried out and Dp​andEp​are updated for every object p. After it, return to Step1. If minTih​>0, the algorithm halts. (All Tih​>0 is also the halting condition.)
def swap(obj,sel,i,h):
n = len(obj); Tih = 0; Kjih = 0
for j in range(n):
dji = dist_others(obj[j],obj[i],'dist')
Dj = dist_others(obj[j],sel,'dist')
djh = dist_others(obj[j],obj[h],'dist')
if dji>Dj:
Kjih = min(djh-Dj,0)
elif dji==Dj:
Ej = dist_others(obj[j],sel,'second_min')
Kjih = min(djh,Ej)-Dj
Tih += Kjih
Time complexity of numpy expend_dims is much bigger than using for statement.