Model Assessment & Selection
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is a test error, and is an expected test error.
We predict this error for two reasons:
Model selection: estimating the performance of different models in order to choose the best one.
Model assessment: having chosen a final model, estimating its prediction error(generalization error) on new data.
In this situation, we all talk about random data so we can't get the exact value of this error. Conditioned on , random elements of become realization.
It is a realization version of random quantity. refer to sample randomly chosen from test set. We want to predict , but it is hard to predict. Instead of , we'll predict the expected error .
In an ideal situation, we split our data into three parts: Train(0.5), Validation(0.25), and Test(0.25). In train set we fit our model to data, and select model in validation set(Most well performed model in validation set). After that, we predict of our final model and assess this model.