Overview: Supervised Learning
ESL - ch2
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ESL - ch2
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Probability of a specific disease
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When input vector is given, how do we predict the output vector? Modeling methods are vary. What do we choose?
Linear regression used for a long time. Dive in more specific form.
represents the bias, and other 's mean the coefficient for input variable. This coefficient is the indicator which says what extent input variable effects to target variable. The above expression satisfies the linear relationship, so we call it linear model.
Our goal is to predict 'f' in p dimensional input space.
What method would be best to find f? The function must satisfy linearity and support must be on p dimension. The function should reflect the shape of our data with these basic assumptions. In other words, the difference between real value and predicted value has to be minimized. The problem is to find the form of function, but we already know the form is a linear form so we just need to know the parameter beta.
Parameter is thing we want know, but we don't know. Parameter reflects the information of population. Normally to inference parameter we make use of statistic(ν΅κ³λ) which is the function of some variables following some probability distribution.
The beta above expression is not the value from random sample. To estimate the parameter beta, we just handle with optimization problem: mimizing the error.
Find the beta that minizes the error!
Let's define the error. There are several definitions of error and we use L2 norm(Squared norm) in this post.(L1 norm(absolute norm) coule be used, but it becomes hard to find the beta minimizng error.)
Residual sum of squares(RSS) is a quadratic form of beta. This form always have minimum value, so all we have to do is just find the value makes derivative form be equal to zero.
When it comes to linear model, we usually regard the target variable continuous. We call this situation prediction case. However, there is a case where the target variable is discrete. The variable would have just zero or one.(For example, whether a company would bankrupt or not.) In specific, let's assume the target have [0,1]. We can derive an estimated beta value, and predicted y hat through RSS method. This y hat is still a continuous variable so This variable has to be transformed into discrete variable(Threshold(cut-off) setting is needed.)
We have to check Our decision boundary is good for classfication.
For this check, we should measure the ratio of correct and wrong classification. When there are a lot of wrong-classified values, we need to figure out the reason. It would be because of wrong model or just due to an inevitable error.
Inevitable error varies from the background of data. Let's assume two scenarios.
Scenario 1 : The training data in each class were generated from bivariate Gaussian distributions with uncorrelated components and different means. (A linear decision boundary is good.)
Scenario 2 : The training data in each class came from a mixture of 10 low variance Gaussian distributions, with individual means themselves distributed as Gaussian. (Clustered Gaussian -> nonlinear and disjoint decision boundary is good.)
First one is the situation where data from two groups are not related each other. In the second one, data from two groups are related each other(linear model is not good.)
In a classification situation, there is a Nearest-Neighbor Method other than Lease Square Method. Lease Square Method is way to find the extreme point in a function to minimize an error, NN is the way to estimate a value using the average of nearby values.
We do a major voting. If over 50% nearby train data is blue, we want to say a test data is blue.
Scenario 1 : Linear model is good to fit. We sample from each classes that follow Bivariate Gaussian distributions.
Variation of Least squares&KNN is solving so many problems.
A variation of Least Square
Local regression - Fitting a model only using the nearby data.(It is the combination of Least Square and NN) We have to decide the width that determine how many data would be included.
Linear model with a basis expansion - Make a variation of data matrix and make a complicated model.
A variation of KNN.
Kernel method - In KNN, we put a discrete weight(0,1) on data but in kernel method we use a continuous weight from 0 to 1.
If is nonsingular, beta has a unique solution.
only have value zero or one.
is called a decision boundary. means an inner product of two vectors. Input space is , so this inner product means a line.
In NN method, we have to define the train set . This is a train data set that contains like (0,1), (1,2). The dimension of is the sum of input and output dimension.
is Neighborhood of x defined by the k closest points . When we define the concept of open and closed we need to deal with the definition of Neighborhood. Let's think about a circle in two dimension: Open ball
Scenario 2 : Nearest Neighbors is good to feat. From we generate and from we generate (k is the integer from 1 to 10) Here is an example of blue class.
First, we choose the average value randomly and generate . We take some values from this distribution. In this way, we generate one hundred data from each classes(blue and red classes). Total two hundred data are generated, and this data is mixture gaussian cluster in each classes.