Conditional Gradient[Frank-Wolfe Method]
The problem :
minf(x)subjecttox∈P ​Where fis convex on the bounded polygonal region P
How can we determine the search direction dk​in this problem? It is connected to a linear problem.
Zk​(y):=f(xk​)+∇f(xk​)T(y−xk​)min zk​(y)=∇f(xk​)T(y−xk​)subjecttoy∈P We first look into (y−xk​).
Suppose yk​is a solution of this problem.
yk​ is an extreme point of the polygon P and hence, since P is convex, the line joining yk​and xk​is contained in Pand so the vector yk​−xk​is a feasible direction.
Because of the convexity of f, ∇f(xˉ)T(y−xˉ)≥0∀y∈P. It implies that this direction is also a descent direction.
zk​(yk​)≤z(xk​)=∇f(xk​)T(xk​−xk​)=0 , so zk​(yk​)=0orzk​(yk​)<0