Basis Expansions & Regularization

We can't assure our function is linear.

To deal with non-linear problem, we can use transformed X instead of original X.

Basis Expansions and Regularization


The basis function, f(X), is linear on h even though h(X)h(X)is non linear


Basic linear model

Polynomial model

Log model

Range model

When we add a third term into model, we have to add second, first, and constant term into this model. So polynomial model has the flaw of high dimension(too many independent variables.)

If you want to locally analysis the model, we have to put a range variable into this model.

To reduce the number of basis function, there are following three methods:




limited to additional model


Select only significant variables on the model


Constrained coefficients

Natural Cubic Spline

N1(X)=1,β€…β€ŠN2(X)=X,β€…β€ŠNk+2(X)=dk(X)βˆ’dKβˆ’1(X)dk(X)=(Xβˆ’ΞΎk)+3βˆ’(Xβˆ’ΞΎK)+3ΞΎKβˆ’ΞΎkN_1(X)=1,\; N_2(X)=X, \; N_{k+2}(X)=d_k(X)-d_{K-1}(X) \\ d_k(X)=\frac{(X-\xi_k)^3_+-(X-\xi_K)^3_+}{\xi_K-\xi_k}
ΞΈ^=(NTN+λΩN)βˆ’1NTyf^(x)=βˆ‘j=1NNj(x)ΞΈ^j\hat{\theta}=(N^TN+\lambda\Omega_N)^{-1}N^Ty \\ \hat{f}(x)=\sum^N_{j=1}N_j(x)\hat{\theta}_j
class spline:
    def __init__(self, x, y):
        x = np.array([[1]*x.shape[0], x, np.power(x,2), np.power(x,3)])
        b1 = min(x[1]) + (max(x[1])-min(x[1]))/3
        b2 = min(x[1]) + 2*(max(x[1])-min(x[1]))/3

        x1 = np.append(x, [np.power(x[1],3), np.power(x[1],3)], axis=0)
        x1 = np.transpose(x1)[x[1]<b1]
        x2 = np.append(x, [np.power(x[1],3)], axis=0)
        x2 = np.transpose(x2)[(b1<=x[1])&(x[1]<b2)]
        self.x = np.transpose(x)
        self.y = y
        self.x1 = x1
        self.x2 = x2
    def training(self):
        x = self.x # col vec expression
        y = self.y
        x1 = self.x1
        x2 = self.x2
        xt = np.transpose(x)
        beta = np.linalg.inv(xt@x)@xt@y
       #  μž”μ°¨μ—λ‹€κ°€ 또 ν”ΌνŒ…ν•΄μ£ΌλŠ” λ°©μ‹μ΄μ—μš”. yκ°’λ§Œ λ°”λ€ŒλŠ” κ±°κ² μ£ 

        y_fit = y-(x@beta)
        x1t = np.transpose(x1)
        beta1= np.linalg.inv(x1t@x1 + np.diag([0.01]*x1.shape[1]))@x1t@y_fit
        x2t = np.transpose(x2)
        beta2 = (1/(x2t@x2))*(x2t@y_fit)

    def prediction(self, X_test):
        X_test = np.insert(X_test,0,1,axis=1)
        y_pred = (X_test@self.beta > 0).astype('uint8')

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