When the call back function is called, the csv file is already imported. Every value in csv is stored as a string, even the number. So converting is needed. While the csv fild is loaded, the rest of a code is executed so assigning global variable would be helpful.
var dataset;d3.csv("food.csv",function(data) { dataset = data; // Once loaded, copy to dataset.generateVis(); // Then call other functions thathideLoadingMsg(); // depend on data being present.});varuseTheDataLater=function() {//Assuming useTheDataLater() is called sometime after//d3.csv() has successfully loaded in the data,//then the global dataset would be accessible here.};
var dataset; //Declare global vard3.csv("food.csv",function(data){// Hand CSV data off to global var,// so it's accessbile later. dataset = data;//Call some other functions that//generate your visualization, e.g.:generateVisualization();makeAwesomeCharts();makeEvenAwesomerCharts();thankAwardsCommittee();});
var dataset;d3.csv("food.csv",function(error,data){if (error){ //If error is not null, st went wrong.console.log(error); //Log the error. } else { //If no error, the file loaded correctly.console.log(data); // Log the data.//Include other code to execute after successful file load here dataset = data;generateVis();hideLoadingMsg(); }});
var dataset = [5,10,15,20,25];d3.select("body").selectAll("p").data(dataset).enter().append("p").text("New paragraph!")//.text(function(d) { return d; });
We have to select elements that don't yet exist. The magical method is "enter"
d3.select("body"): Finds the body in the DOM
.selectAll("p"): Selects all paragraphs in the DOM. This returns an empty selection because none exist yet.
.data(dataset): Counts and parses our data values.
enter(): Creates a new placeholder element
.append("p"): appends a p element
.text("New paragraph!"): inserts a text value into p
If we use .text(function(d) { return d; }); it populates the contents of each paragraph from our data.
div needs to be assigned the bar class. To add a class to an element, we use the attr() method. (not style()) style() applies CSS styles directly to an element.
To assign a class of bar we can use: .attr("class","bar")
Element's class is stored as an HTML attribute.
.classed("bar",true)// If true->false, it removesthe class of bar.
var dataset = [5,10,15,20,25];d3.select("body").selectAll("div").data(dataset).enter().append("div").attr("class","bar");